Sunday 7 October 2012

My Movie Review

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

In Gothem City, the city of heros and thieves, the caped vigilante, having disappeared for years, decides to return, only to find a new kind of threat stronger than himself, both mentally and physically.

The idea of the plot is very clear on why British director Chris Nolan wanted to make it a reality, having the alpha male of the city get bombarded with a new threat that could take his place. A masked figure from out of no-where showing up and taking over the city with knowledge and physical power. Almost sounds like an old Spider Man movie, but the way it’s beautifully portrayed and scripted gives the film multiple stories within the plot line, that both coincide, from playboy, billionaire philanthropist Bruce Banner (Christian Bale) trying to hide his hate and fill it with calm knowledge, to steroid pumping villain, Bane (Tom Hardy) wanting to create a city with order, lead by him.

Tom Hardy plays Bane, a masked villain who takes pride in killing for the thing he wants most, hence the nickname. But the thing that makes him different from all the other Batman villains, is that they either have knowledge (The Joker), or they have Physical strength. Bane has both, though more muscle than intelligence. His acts of terrorism and threat, gives him the advantage, allowing him to control what happens in the city and when. Showing that he’s not afraid to pull the trigger, the police have no option or alternative.

There is also a well known character that starred in the film Batman Returns, who makes a very sneaky appearance within The Dark Knight Rises. Cat Women, played by American actress Anne Hathaway, comes across as a very mysterious and flexible character with her knowledge in thieving and stealth. She is seen as more of a con-man than an actual bad guy which she originally was in Batman Returns. Her appearances throughout the film have a tendency to be around Bruce as she seems to be quite the admirer of Banner. In fact, she is around him so much that you start to suspect that she knows of his little mid-night secret.

The camera work in the film is exceptionally well done, with a good range of helicopter shots, to some nice tense and exhilarating close-ups. The transitional scene changes also helps you know whats going on at the same time, with cuts from Banes uprising, to Banners determination in finding his inner peace. This makes the film bring a vigorous and excitable ending to both a fantastic trilogy and the life of a dark knight.

The opening, continuing 8 years in the future from the last batman movie (The Dark Knight) gives the audience a compelling interest into what became of Bruce Banner. After the death of his most precious gem Rachel (Maggie Gyllenhaal) Banner is seen cowering within the walls of his billion dollar mansion. He begins to show signs of temperament with his lack of confidents and strength, as they’ve drained from his body, making him a not so heroic hero, also given the fact that his Batman traits haven’t been worn for little over 8 years. Although Banners loss of success hangs above everyones head, his loyal and faithful servant Alfred Pennyworth (Michael Caine) still sees the old Bruce within the emotional and depressing one seen at the beginning.

During a behind the scenes interview with Michael Caine on his character Alfred Pennyworth, Michael stated that “You know what Alfred is? He is us”. Being the wise-man in the film, he truly brings out the emotion in Bruce as Alfred is the only person Bruce will listen to. Being the type of guy who likes to hide his emotions, no matter how much he tries, Bruce can’t fully hide the affect Alfred’s words are doing to him.

There is one fact which I feel is misleading yet is one of the most important ones about Bane. It is about the mask that’s strapped around his head, almost looking like a futuristic gas mask. The film never really explained the origin of Banes mask and how he got it, which to those who don’t know much about the old films and comics, would lack a clear distinction onto the purpose of it.

But overall the film shows an experimental conflict between good and evil. With a more powerful enemy, the hero must use all his might and knowledge to overcome and defeat such a strong and terrifying opponent.

A realistic and effectively produced conflict with violent clichés about a hero defending not only their pride, but the city they’ve chosen to protect. A definite must see.

Reviewed by George Cox

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